Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gloves Gloves Gloves!!!

Wonderful News everyone - Black Leather Gloves are on sale at Imp Co. They are a spectacular Imperial outlet store, check them out here. Stock up, because force lightning is murder on the fingertips on your gloves. Each time I fry someone with force lightning, I have to replace my gloves. I think I'm going to get like 50, or maybe 100. They are on sale for about 12 Imperial credits, just 12 Imperial credits! I'm so excited. Also, Imp Co. is a wonderful source for all of your imperialistic, evil and Sith needs. I got my first star destroyer there.

Rev Darth


  1. You are so funny, Dominic! How do I make my words like up to a website like yours do?

  2. You select what you want to be a link, then click the little symbol that looks like an infinity sign. Then just type in (or paste) the web address you want it to take your readers to :)

  3. Crap, I remember when it was special to have force lightning. Now everyone has it, even the frickin good guys!!! What's the galaxzzzy coming 2?
