Monday, June 1, 2009

A disturbance in the force

For those of you who did not know, most of my posts are transcribed by a puny, non-force user - who recently had a baby in his family. This has made it difficult for him to follow my whims lately, so it has taken me a while to return. During this time, I have received even more mail with questions.

I am only going to answer one question today, due to it's importance.

Question 1 from Darv Ader: What do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?

Answer: I do actually have several hobbies. I enjoy Blogging, playing computer games (they play on my heads up display in my mask - no monitor needed), I like reading Cake Wrecks, squashing rebellions and braiding ewok hair together while they are asleep. However, there is one activity that I enjoy better than any other - but it requires some planning, and a late night showing of Star Wars....

Skip Torvinen wrote a great movie about my leisure activities - specifically the last one, which I have included here for your enjoyment.

Darth Rev.


  1. I couldn't get sound with this video, so I'm not sure what was happening - except for two things: 1) If you want someone to give you a hand, just ask them. It is not always necessary to go to such extremes! 2) Instead of just throwing around trash cans in alleys, you could pick up the trash and put it in the cans - it's not like you actually have to bend over and pick anything up! Keeping our streets clean from litter is everyone's responsibility!

    And a word to the wise - don't pick up weapons that don't belong to you. You never know where they've been, and what baggage comes with them.

  2. Glad you liked my short film.

